GUT Bacteria Update
April 14, 2018
April 21, 2018

YOU never listen to ME

I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard that (listen to me) statement.  I would have enough for a Rubicon now.  The question of how well one can listen to the conversation or reading is different from the question of (where did the conversation go) once it hit our ears.

This BLOG is about the later.  Where did the conversation go?  Let’s assume for now it went deep into the heart and soul.  It stayed there for a time to chew and review and digest.  The end of this story is that eventually that message may find its way out OR the words may stay and sustain life one more day.

Today’s teaching by Alistair Begg is such a day.  Here is the link.  <CAREFUL LISTENING>  Be sure to return for the rest of the story.

Page TWO.

I prayed a few days ago and asked God why I haven’t seen HIM lately manifested in my life?  Where was the feeling of (being loved)?  Why not some (warm and fuzzy) so I know you are still in my life?  The prayer continued with a thankful heart in a condescending way.  I feel ashamed now even writing about it.  This is, however, my prayer life and this is the BLOG for real men talking to real men.

My estimate is:  there are 40,642,000 men between the ages of 45 and 64 living legally in the USA.  My listening question is:  How many of those men know that state of their health in a closer way than a recent visit to the Doctor (of ACA choice)?

Combining the Christian teaching of today and the principles of listening to my health, I find it necessary (once again) to remind all 40 million men to get screened for prostate cancer beginning at the age of 45.  I find it necessary to call attention to the fact that committing a daily time to read the Bible is the best medicine you will ever need subscribed… as a person living on this earth.