SLEEP DETOX nutrition
March 3, 2018
DAILY DIGG 07Mar2018
March 7, 2018

DAILY DIGG 04Mar2018

Good Morning !!!

Matthew 25: 35 “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Jesus)

“In our world full of strangers, estranged from their own past, the deep roots of their culture, from their neighbors, friends and family, from their deepest self and God, we witness a painful search for a hospitable place where life can be lived without fear, where community is real…” H.J.M. Nouwen

Want to know how to reach those who you now find absent?
Want to ‘grow’ your gatherings?

Make your Common Table a ‘Real’ Community; become those who welcome the hungry, the thirsty and the stranger. Listen well. Gift them with Hope and Hospitality. Speak to their deepest longings. Tell them of your deliverance and transformation. Recite Your Identity in Christ before them as you open your heart to them.

If you desire help. Contact me.
I specialize in making disciples who create Community.