DAILY DIGG 19Nov2017
November 19, 2017
New DAY; New Problem
November 24, 2017

DAILY DIGG 22Nov2017

Good Morning !!!

From “Into the Depths of God” by Calvin Miller…

“The inscrutable glories of the deep cannot be described to those hooked on the safety of shallowness.” (Shallow Faith) “We do not go deep to study God, we go deep to taste his reality.” “In the depths, we meet our smallness, our powerlessness, our need. On the positive side, we discover the folly of trying to find our satisfaction in surface relationships.” “God never comes wrapped in contrived public prayers where many …either consciously or unconsciously…are prone to approve themselves to their merely human auditors.” …”much of our intercession, like our spiritual lives, is but evidence of our addiction to self-infatuation.”
Read Romans Chapter 8 through Chapter 12 Again…
Add to that Ephesians the whole book.
Take Time for Hebrews 12

I dare you to do it in one afternoon….let it rest upon you.

Oh What a Marvelous Mystery that God would choose to use Redeemed Man to demonstrate before all creation His Glorious Plan. Redemption, Sanctification, Empowering for Reigning and Transformation into the Image of His Son for eternal glory. Oh, the Wonder of it all !!!
Can I ask you something ? Where are you in this ongoing process ? In what Movement of His Symphony are you ?
Can it be said of you that He is greater in you than ever before ?
Are you more like Him than yourself ?

Do you treat others as He is treating you ?
Are you more drawn into His Mystery and Glorious Plan than into the ways of the world ?
Does His Spirit Dwell Richly in you ?
This is not a measurement test; it’s an exhortation. You can be more. !! You can experience greater expressions of His Beauty and Glory !!! You can go deeper….

The question is, Why Not ?
What will you allow to hold you back.
Nothing needs to….

Oh the beauty of the Redeemed !!!
Oh the wonder of the Spirit Filled Believer !!!
Oh the Faithfulness of our God !!!